Monday, September 17, 2007

Some People wear glasses, Beth looks like a dude.

I had an awesome awesome fireside, and i need to write about it before i forget.

So the speaker was Shuan Perry, who is this broadway actor, dancer, singer extrordinaire, who, if you didn't know, you'd swear he was gay, he has that whole gay actor vibe, but he's mormon, so yeah. I didn't really know what to expect when i went there, because sometimes firesides are really kinda lame (like that sorority one a while back, although at the tabernacle), but this one was not. I'm not going to summarize all of it, because i don't remember it all. His main theme was how we need to put our trust in God, and let him lead our lives, and amazing things will happen. He was originally set on being a Doctor, but then in school he started taking some acting classes, and then he just ended up really feeling strongly that he should go into acting and all.

He referenced a fireside he had gone to when he was young, where the person said if there was one thing you needed to take home, was that you should always make your bed, and it will change your life, and he tried it and said that he did, so i think i'll try it. It is oh so easy to make my bed anyway.

He talked for a while on 9/11, and how he spent that time, which was really very beautiful. He was living in New York and so he spent the week doing everything he could to help, which ended up with him digging around in tunnels trying to rescue people, and he came very close, he heard noise, but all he could find at first was a Twin Towers Teddie Bear from the gift shop, but he had to evacuate because another building was falling in, and when he went back in the noise was gone.

All in all, it was just a great experience, i'm always disappointed with the inadequates of words to convey the emotions and feelings i feel.

That said, reflections, and thoughts i had during the thing:
The 9/11 story immediately reminded me of The Things They Carried. It all seemed so implausible, but i realized that whether or not it actually happened (i would be shocked if it didn't) it was very much a true story. Because the events are as true as anything, and the feelings felt were real as well. The fact that after all that he did, he didn't find anyone, is just too awful, and beautiful, to not be true.

He talked for a made a bit of an extended metaphor between ballroom dancing and God, which was cool, about being taken by the hand and all that.

I feel like there were other things i remember, but alas, the infrequences of memory strike again. Speaking of that my institute teacher spoke today on the importance of keeping a log of experiences, so that you can go back later and remember them. He said you should just keep a notepad, and whenever you're reminded of something that happened to you write it down, just a sentence or two, so that you'll remember. I think that'd be a cool thing to do.

Lets see, other news: This weekend was crazy, as the last two posts suggest. On sunday i went up to Hyde Park to eat dinner, spend some time with the grandparents, and get some of my stuff. That was nice, so now i have a piano again. Today i had calculus and physics, which is starting to level out a bit between unreasonably hard and easy, and then i went to the fireside, so yeah. All around a good day.
So now i need study for my cal test tomorrow, so i don't fail, lose my scholarship, and end up owning lots and lots of money i wouldn't otherwise.

~Au Revoir


Kate said...

Heh. Nice title. Just last night Logan and I were talking about that and how Gregor is a weird name.

caitlin said...

I like the notebook idea. When you remember something you've forgotten it's such a weird experience. To lose it again would be lame, so I might do that notebook thing. Maybe. I might start it anyway.

caitlin said...

You seriously need to check out the link put in my birthday post. For serious funny.

caitlin said...

Really I had just looked at some captain planet stuff. And my favorite line is 'DO NOT WANT.'

Anonymous said...

gahh!!! i miss you too much. like seriously.

what you take for granted in high school... geez.

caitlin said...
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