Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 a.m. is no place for a mighty warrior

Cool story:
So last week i went with the missionaries to visit a couple people, since they don't have a car. Unfortunately both the appointments fell through, and so we just ended up driving about for half an hour (be patient, the story gets better). On our way to one of the appointments however, we noticed that this cop was following me. Now, i like to think that i'm a fairly safe driver, and i generally don't speed too much, but it's certain that a cop in a bad mood could pull me over for any number of things, mild speeding, rolling stops, etc. So I was a little concerned when i saw a cop behind me, but i figured, "no biggie, he's just headed the same direction". So then we turn off onto the smaller road, and the cop is still behind us. We drive for like 3 miles on this windy road and the cop is still right behind us. We turn into this neighborhood, and he turns off to. He continues to follow us at ever turn we make until we pull over at the house. It turns out that the cop lived a few doors down, but that was enough to make me thoroughly freaked out for the entirety of a fifteen minute drive. Cops are scary.

Less scary but much more disappointing are old ladies that tell you that your investigators are going to their daughters ballet. A likely story. but whatev's, i've done splits before, it wasn't the first time that several appointments fell through, and considering i have two years of that to enjoy, i figure it's just as well.

In other news, i'm super excited about portugal. Tomorrow i'm applying for my passport, i feel so international. I found this blog of a girl currently serving in my mission. It's cool to read about missionary life out there. So yeah, that's about all that's been going on. I just remembered that story and wanted to write it down. It's not everyday a cop follows you for 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Camilla said...

Even on the very rare occasion that I'm not breaking any laws, cops make me nervous. I figure the officers that are patrolling traffic and neighborhoods haven't been promoted to cool positions like homocide or narcotics or vice, so they must be unhappy and dissatisfied with their work and will probably take it out on me.