Sunday, June 29, 2008

yeah, i post twice a day. What of it?

I think i need to keep one of those mini mead notebooks on me at all times to write down clever facebook statuses (stati?) and the little tilde signatures i do at the end of these. It's not like i think the random thoughts i come up with are genius, or even noteworthy, but every once in a while i'll think of something that makes me chuckle, and want to spread the joy of chuckling to everyone, but my previous status still applies (for example, 6 hours ago i celebrated spain's victory with a chorus of ole's, and i've already had like 3 other statuses for today, so i don't want to put another one). By the time the moment arises i have forgotten, and, put on the spot, i panic and just say the first thing i think of. beef...stew.

In this instance, i'll explain the train of thought. I saw someone make the common mistake of leaving out 'is' on their facebook status when it's necessary, in this case describing a girl who's at the pool with her friend. So i decided it would be kinda cool to have my status be

Ammon Perkes in the conservatory with the lead pipe

The lead pipe has always been my favorite clue weapon, by the way. It's such a silly weapon. Where did they get it? Why is it bent like that? Did the murderer use the wrench in order to acquire the lead pipe? Why is it made of lead, when lead's use in plumbing had mostly stopped by the early 20th century. Had it been used for water or sewage?

I am of the opinion that the makers of Cluedo came up with the lead pipe last.

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