Sunday, January 28, 2007

How long must we sing this song?

Today while i was sitting in church (for some reason today in church i was very introspective, i think it was because i was sleepy, and the talks waxed soporific) i realized that i was really ready to be somewhere else. I don't really feel like i fit in where i'm at anymore. It's not that i feel left out or anything like that, it just that everything isn't quite right for me. School is either too much work or too boring (if not both) or english, which i still thoroughly enjoy. Soccer's done, which takes that out. Church is by and large too basic for me, which isn't suprising. I realized today that i'm just a couple weeks away from being essentially done with young mens (at 18 we leave youth and start real church). The same thing happened to me just before the end of primary (which is for kids 3-12). I'm looking forward to having lots of people my age in my church, which i imagine will happen once i'm bussed (or more likely flown) off to some remote city to begin my illustrious education. Even just within my friends, the whole not drinking and other moral convictions deal kinda makes party's not my thing. I dunno, i just feel like i'm in the wrong place for where i am in my life. It'll probably pass.

I think i can let this blog do movie reviews too, so without much ado: The Covenent.

I was really dissapointed with the Covenent. It's the first movie i've just disliked in a long time. It didn't really seem to find it's focus, unable to decide between horror or action. The scary scenes were forced and the action scenes weren't nearly epic enough. The super powers weren't nearly cool enough. I think that actually might be my main complaint, now that i think about it. I'll overlook most movies' flaws if they're fun to watch, this one wasn't though. With 'ultimate power' they just faught like Dragon Ball Z expect less cool. The ending was phoney, and the dialog was tacky. It was like if the WB got hit by some cheap horror flick. It didn't really explain things well, and it awkwardly forced a sequal to be possible, without even enough resolution to let this movie sit on it's own. Every cool part of this movie was revealed in the previews, which also gave away the plot. And that rediculous weather. I know fall in New England can get a little crazy, but a thunderstorm every night is just silly.

Anyway, final score, 2/5. If it's on you might watch it, but don't go out of your way.

1 comment:

ThePensive said...

It would appear we have the same opinion about The Covenant. Oh well.