Monday, April 7, 2008

The teacher thinks that i sound funny, but she likes the way you sing.

Ahh, General Conference, always a good time. 10 hours of church will never pass as quickly. But yeah, it was cool to see Monson as the Prophet and President and really let it sink in. Sessions were great as always, and i think Thomas Monson wiggling his ears in Priesthood session was quite possibly the most amazing thing i've ever seen. I'm so glad our church is led by people with a sense of humor. But yeah, conference took up most of my weekend, but there were some other fun times. Saturday night i stayed out till 3ish at the after effects of a party at someone's house, talking about relationships and telling fun stories. I don't really like parties, i'm not too great at the whole mingling thing, but i'm good at hanging out, so that was fun.

Because i stayed up so late, i sort of slept through this morning's session (being able to watch conference from in bed is a way to ensure falling asleep) i woke up just as Monson was saying something to the effect that that session was the most spiritually uplifting ever, so i felt sort of bad, but 4.5 sessions of conference is not too shabby. I'm disappointed i didn't get to actually go to any of them, but what can you do?

Elizabeth Arnold told me saturday that some freshman girl thinks i'm cute. While it's always fun to hear, that really doesn't do a whole lot for me, but since i'm going to be gone in three weeks anyway i probably won't worry about it.

Today i went and ate waffles and then hung out for a while and then watched oceans 11 (still full of awesome) and then hung out some more. I was worried because i had physics homework, but that turned out to take me all of 5 minutes.

Tomorrow i'll probably find out what's going to happen with my knee, hopefully nothing major. I'm sad that i tore some ligaments, because those don't ever truly heal, so now i'm going to have to worry about that for the rest of my athletic life. Hopefully i can get something that'll protect it for when i do active things, because there's a pretty good chance that i'll be snowboarding after my mission, and i'd like to be able to take some risks. Either way, not living life because you're afraid of injury is no way to live...i should apply that philosophy to emotional things. Well, that's about all that's going on on my front. Back to you Jim.


caitlin said...

That's one great title right there.

Ammon said...

thank you, i agree.