Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Strung from the moon, and the world your balloon. Peeping tom for the motherstation

So. Life: it's pretty standard. I almost went up to jackson and canoed the okatoma, but that fell through in record time. Katie has been in town for a week, she leaves in a few hours, but it was cool have her here, and Søren is too cute to handle (2c2h).

Yesterday i jumped a fence with my bike. I didn't go on a ramp and ride over a fence, that would be way too extreme. I climbed over a fence with bike in hand. I really don't like backtracking.

In related news, word got out that i don't wear my helmet while riding a bike. Wait to go, Katie. So now i have to wear a helmet. Weak. Safety concerns and justifications aside, it's substantially more enjoyable without a helmet, so i might need to find a new method of exercise. Also, living on a peninsula substantially limits (oh) the places you'll go (and the things you can think).

We have satellite now, with DVR, so we get 200 channels and recording capabilities, so now i can watch The Daily Show and Mythbusters and Ace of Cakes and all the other great cable shows that i've had to scrounge around for online. No Fox Soccer Channel, oh well. Dish network really sucks, by the way. If you're thinking about getting Dish Network i'd advise against it. Dish costs a little less, but i think common sense is worth the addition cost. Anyway, it took like a week and a half to get it installed, but now it's up and running and i have no immediate complaints, which is saying something.

I guess that's about all that been going down. I went and saw Batman again last night, it was just as great, though a little predictable. I need to read Charlie and the Chocolate factory. maybe i'll work on that today. Até logo.

That reminds me, i want to watch a Portuguese movie or something like that to get a feel for how the language actually sounds. It's hard not to turn all romance languages into latin.



Camilla said...

Too bad City of God is rated R- it's super awesome and in Portuguese.

Anonymous said...

you should come to jackson.

but not in the next week. pretty much the world is going to gulf shores in 3 days.