Sunday, February 11, 2007

I thought i had done this last night, but apparently it didn't work. soanyways, I'm 18 now, birthday post!

Things that've changed:
I've changed a whole lot since last year. I can drive, i've had my first job, i've gotten all my eagle stuff done, I'm applied to college, i'm way more independent than i used to be. I've had to do a whole lot of things by myself that i usually wouldn't think i would have, like getting all my glasses and stuff yesterday. I'm a senior, which is fun. I don't hang out with Johnny as much as i did last year, what with the whole graduation thing he pulled, so my friends group is a bit different. Other things too, but nothing comes to mind.

Things that haven't changed:
I'm not crazy built like i'd hoped. I once again don't have a job, or any money. Relationship wise, things are depressingly similar, although i've decided not to do that again. yeah. I'm still rather shy and non confrontational. What else, i feel about the same personality wise, maybe a bit more confident, and a bit more sensitive, but only a bit. I'm no more expressive i don't think, i still stay pretty bottled up. that's all that i can think of.

Things that are going to change:
College. College, college college. Moving away from my parents, from my friends, and all that should be an adventure. I'm going to vote, register for the draft, graduate, etc. I'm going to get a job, i'm going to get a wii, i'm going to make a whole new set of friends, live almost completely independently, should be fun. Hopefully i'm going to finally manage to work out consistantly, i want to learn how to snowboard well enough to not break myself, and i'm going to leave the south, quite possibly forever.

So yeah, 17 was a good year overall, i'm thinking 18 might be one of the most exciting years of my life. We'll see how that goes. Later days.

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