Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What time is it? VALENTIMES!

just fyi, i do, infact, know how to spell Valentines day.

So anyway, today was half an adventure, and that's something. English was busyness, as usual. Gov was a bad open book test, and then not much. Latin was reading and that sort of fun.

Then i went to give blood. Giving blood is usually pretty fun, i enjoy it. This time, however, was definitely the least fun. Happily the little finger prick was less painful that usual, that's actually my least favorite part usually.

I got a kinda sub-par nurse lady. When she stuck the needle in my blood spurted out, which hasn't happened before, and it hurt more than usual. She just left the blood there, which was kinda icky. When she pulled the needle out it hurt some more, and i think she may have cut me a bit or something. I held my arm up for a while, and then checked to see if i was still bleeding, and blood gushed out. So then i'm sitting there with blood dripping down my arm, but i can't stop it very well cus if i let go of my bandage i'll bleed all over the place. So then i kinda catch it with my thumb, but it starts to pool, and it's about to drip into my arm pit, which would just be weird. So i kinda wipe it on my arm, and then i make a little smiley face, because that was just cool. So hopefully i'll get some pictures of that when Caitlin uploads those pictures of that. Anyway, after that she had me put my arm down and wiped the blood off, and she checked and it was still bleeding. Eventually she stuck a bandage on it and wrapped the stuff pretty tight. It must have still bled for a little while, cus when i took it off it had lots of dried blood on it.

But that was fun. And i got a nice t-shirt.

After school, me and caitlin walked to my house cus everybody else had vamoose'd. After a little bit i went to the bank and deposited my checks (now i have a bit o' money to spend. fun stuff) and took caitlin home. Aaand, here am I. lost tonight, and maybe i'll do some homework. Mrs. D needs to stop giving us tests to do on our own time. The unfortunate truth is that i don't have a whole lot of my own time while at school. All my time at school is spent going to school, so yeah, that doesn't quite work out very well. So eventually i'll get that done i guess.

So my sister totally has a blog now. How greatly lame.

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