Friday, July 20, 2007

So that i can feel the rain

Yesterday and today have been pretty busy. Night before last i watched a twilight zone marathon until 4am (a grave mistake, but a fun one), and so all day thursday i was a little off. I got up at around 11 and filled nail holes for a while. My mom told me i had to bury a dead osprey in the neighbor's yard (it was in the neighbors yard already, that's not just where i buried it). Apparently the afformentioned osprey were sick, ergo the odd habitation, or else some loathsome neighbor decided that osprey make too much noise and shot them, either way, it fell to me to bury the bird, which smelled quite awful by then. So i did that, and then rested for a while, then i sanded and filled a couple more nail holes, then our neighbor came over and said that there was another bird that i had missed. So i buried another osprey, originally i'd planned to use the post hole digger, since that would have gone way faster, but that broke, so i had to fall back on the shovel. So i finished that, and i covered up the two graves with some bamboo do discourage them from being dug up. After that my mom gave me the choice between painting and running errends and i chose the latter, so i went to Indian cycle and they said that it would cost 255 dollars to fix up my dad's bike, so that was a rip off, i think we can probably fix it ourselves for about 30. Oh, and i got lost on the way because i forgot how the ridgeland exit works. But yeah, after that i went to Circuit City to put a new radio into our car, and i had to wait an hour and a half while they did that so i read some books at barnes and noble and ate a sandwich. The car eventually got done, and i drove over to johnny's work and got some food there. That was great, but i set it on top of the car when i left and it disappeared, i suspect chicken hawks. After that i got a bit lost again, but eventually found my way to lakeland and went to lowe's. Lowe's, i found out, is like Home Depot, only the selection is crap, and the service is awful. so that was nice, and then i went home. I watched Rope, which is a great movie, huzzhah for Hitchcock, and then i went to sleep.

Today i worked in the attic, which is always an awful experience, but then i got Mac and Cheese. Now i'm waiting until it's time to work, and eagerly anticipating Harry Potter. I'm going to buy it at midnight and read it straight through again, partially because i want to, but also because my mom is leaving tomorrow at 12, and wants to take the book with her (since she's the rightful owner)

Right now isaac is trying to play Shadows over Camelot with the neighbor kids, which is funny since he doesn't actually have any idea how to play. I'm hiding in my room, because small children not related to me generally get on my nerves. That's all for me.

~Mr. Vertigo on the Flying Trapeze

1 comment:

Camilla said...

I agree with you about small unrelated children being annoying- I was pretty annoyed at the Muggle Madness party at the public library Friday night. However, I think watching Isaac play Shadows over Camelot with his friends would be pretty adorable. I have a mental image of him wearing a cape.