Sunday, July 29, 2007

From the Age of the Dinosaurs cars have run on Gasoline

I chose the topic because i liked it, only to realize that it is also nicely appropriate. Tonight my parents are driving down to the coast, taking both cars, and leaving me very thoroughly without transportation for a couple days.

Today i wish happy birthday to my sister Cami. She's my favorite sister between the ages of 25 and 27. I think once long ago i said in my little mini journal that cami was my favorite sister, but at one point i've said that about amy and katie too, now i think i've moved passed trying to decide which sister is my favorite, they're just all so cool.

Life of late has been crazy as usual. I've been working of course. The last two nights i pretty much closed by my self. that was something awful. Work volleyball tomorrow. that'll be fun.

Lets see, what else have i been up to? apparently nothing, that's disappointing. Well, that's all for me.


Kate said...

I might be doing my math wrong, but isn't Amy still 27? Irregardless, I'm glad you think we're all so cool. And Happy Birthday Cami!

Camilla said...

He must mean between 25 and 27, exclusive. So 27 doesn't count. Thanks for the happy birthdays!