April is a busy month. My normal calender has like three things on it, but april is jam packed. I dunno how i feel about that.
Today i had a dentist appointment at 9 in the morning, the shuttle was late, (or early, one way or another there wasn't a shuttle when there was supposed to be), and so i missed the bus, and so i had to wait half an hour for the next one, so i was almost an hour late for my appointment, but that was ok, they squeezed me in. All they had to do was take some x-rays and they found a couple tiny cavities in progressed, so i'm going to get that fixed up. All this is part of the ongoing process of doing all my mission stuff. Once my knee is working to my satisfaction, i'll go grab a physical and then i just have to find out a few things and i'm done. If everything goes as it should, i'll be done with it all my the last week i'm here so my Bishop here can send it off and we'll get the letter in Biloxi.
I've decided i like the college scene a lot more than high school, i've said this before, but this is in relation to relationships and dating and stuff. High school is so stupid. That whole casual dating thing just didn't happen there. What a strange place where you can be 'going out' without ever going on a date, and going on a date is practically an engagement. Is it embarrising that i listen to Popular by Nada Surf when i was figuring out how to keep this girl from getting the wrong ideas about how i felt? Probably, but that doesn't change the fact that that song is awesome.
That said, some people in college are way too dramatic. None of it has much to do with me, but yeah, i thought all the petty drama would surely end with graduation, but apparently not, oh well.
What else is going on, I went to a lecture by Stephen Dubner, the guy that wrote The Economist, and that was way cool. i pretty much forgot that today was thursday, so i got all excited for the weekend yesterday and then i had today. Thursday's are way chill, institute and a discussion, but it's no friday.
Friday looks to be awesome, another cheap concert and then watching the Sandlot. And physical therapy, which i've heard nothing but good things about. Well, i need to go to class or i'll be later then i want to be.
Here i lay dreaming, looking at the brilliant sun.
I'm just curious what class you have a paper due about infants eating carrots?
oh, that's not for a class, that's the newest nephew.
I was about to leave a comment saying that that little baby better be our baby, and if it wasn't, then why did you draw a baby on your calendar? But you already answered that. I'm glad to hear that it is, indeed, your newest, and bound to be coolest, nephew.
i figured about the colbert book... it also isn't in eudora welty so i'll have to do an interlibrary loan. i'm going in not expecting much. colbert is no jon stewart, but i'm pretty sure i'll still laugh.
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