Friday, May 9, 2008

The C that cost 5 grand.

Weak. I got a C+ in physics, which pulled my cumulative GPA down to a 3.4, meaning, barring some unexpected circumstances, i lost my full tuition super special awesome scholarship. So that's no fun. Stupid physics. I should call and see if i can get something worked out, since otherwise i might have to take some time off so that i can get residency so that i can afford in state tuition. I wonder if i can call cami's house my residence for the second year of my mission and get instate...

Thus i join the long line of perkes siblings who have gotten good scholarships and then lost them. Yay me.

I suppose technically saying that physics is what did it isn't entirely true, since if i had gotten a letter grade better in any of my classes at any point in the year, i would have kept it, meaning my A- in Calculus three technically hurt me, but i think it's safe to say physics gets the most credit. So if i don't manage to finagle my way into keeping the scholarship (and i've never been very good at finagling) I guess i'm looking at taking a year off to work, earn enough extra money to be able to afford college, and live in utah so that it's half as expensive.

Other than that though, life down here is improving a bit. Isaac's no longer sick, so i'm not stuck at home all day. I got some immunizations, so i'm all ready to not get hepatitis, so yeah, reasonably ok times.


Camilla said...


Anonymous said...

can you claim utah as your residency during your mission?

then you'd be all set up to go back to u of u afterwards...

just a thought.

Ammon said...

I've thought about that, and i'm not sure, i kinda doubt it. My parents are paying for part of my mission, so i'm mostly still a dependent, which makes me not a resident. If they don't claim me as a dependent, and i lie and say that i'm living in Utah i could probably get residency, but that seems a bit dishonest, no?

Also, i sort of like the idea of taking a year off. And, logistically, I'm going to need a place to live, some mode of transportation, and therefore a job, in order to stay in salt lake to go to college anyway. I think it would be a lot easier to set that up if i wasn't already going to college. It's not like i have any idea what i want to do with my life, so i'm not exactly in a hurry.