Friday, May 25, 2007

So, it's been a little while

The major problem with owning a Wii is now my free time is more like Frii time, and while super fun, it's sucking up my time for being productive, and more importantly, blogging.

A lot's gone down over the past while. I'm going to go backwards, because that's the way i remember it.

I just got back from Pirates of the Caribbean, which is a really great movie. It makes the 2nd movie worth watching, although still inexcusably bad. It was nice to finally hang out with johnny a bit, since i haven't in a while, hopefully there'll be some of that tomorrow.

Since my last post i've pretty much finished high school. It's insane. I got my cap and gown on Tuesday. All that remains is a hefty calculator fine, since the one i borrowed and the really awesome ti-89 i won both got stolen out of my backpack. So that made me pretty upset. Add that to the tab of stuff that morally lacking people owe me along with yu-gi-oh cards, a trogdor shirt, and a bike, all stolen on jackson public school property. So glad that's the last time that'll happen.

I've had some nice hanging out and saying goodbye with the cool teachers that i like, mr. jones, mrs. williams, mrs. polanski, unfortunately i haven't really gotten to do the whole goodbye thing for ms brierly or mrs van uden, but i'll get to that hopefully. It's really weird to think that this is the last time i'm going to be seeing a lot of people.

I've mostly been working lately. I really like my job, and my job really likes me. It sounds kinda self centered, but i like this job a lot because i'm much more appreciated than i was at backyard burgers. 2/3 of my managers liked me there, but Andrew, Joe, and Jeff are all very good at complementing good work. It's cool. I wish i could keep working here and live in Salt Lake.

Wow. I'm going to be living in salt lake in less than two months. I still haven't quite gotten a handle on this whole college thing. I've applied for housing, picked roommates (which was really hard) and scheduled some orientation. I fly out of mississippi on the 14, and i'm gone. insane.

I've also been playing Zelda a lot. Like really a lot, i've had it for less than a week and i've played it over 30 hours i think. But c'est la vie and all that.

I finished up all my AP exams, and i expect to do at least very decent. I'm hoping for 5's on the english and math exams, but i have a hard time knowing. The gov i'll shoot for a 3, a four if i'm lucky, and i'd be more than happy to have a 3 for euro.

I've been noticing how much working at Sal and Mookie's has reworked the way i think. I now have a few weird compulsions, like stabbing tickets, and taking dirty plates. I very naturally carried three plates at a pot-luck, and when i handed someone a drink i came very very close to saying, "you enjoy that sir" in my sort of cheesily sincere kindness i've been developing. I also hold the door open for people and say hi or ask them how their doing on the street. Sal and Mookies has done more to instill southern hospitality in a month than the south has in 14 years.

It's also kinda weird to think that i'll be leaving the south. As much as i've tried to avoid it, this is very much where i'm from. I get a bit defensive when people from outside the south talk about it, or just are ignorant. I am ready to go though. Even though i doubt college will be the holy grail of coolness, success, and awesome that i'm hoping for, i'm hoping the mayor won't be completely insane and the bureaucracy completely useless. But i wax political.

That's all that comes to mind as far as news and such. i had my seminary graduation a little bit ago, so that's cool. In one week i will be a high school graduate. go figure.


Kate said...

I did the same thing when I worked at Red Hot & Blue- started conversations with people in the store, had a much cheesier southern accent, etc. Glad you're finally embracing your inner southern gentleman. The ladies at the U will love that.

Oh, and I love your new picture.

Kate said...

PS: Don't ever say "Frii time" again.

Unknown said...

"This way to infinity" should instead read: "Hot Dog Blog" it has such a better ring to it.

I agree with my spectacular wife, you shouldn't ever say "frii time" 'cause no amount of southern gentlemanliness will make up for it with the ladies.

Number 2: The picture is great, but the caption is to terribly wrong it's funny. Where did you get that translation? Anyway, it should read: "Bom dia, sou Chauncy e sou castor." That's a free lesson, the next one's gonna cost ya.

Good work on being done with school. It feels good doesn't it? I have just a short 3 page final paper to write on Beloved, and I'm d.o.n.e. and it's on to commencement in a week.

Amy said...

I loved the "frii time". It cracked me up. Nice to hear from you again Ammon. I was beginning to think you had officially abandoned your blog.

Ammon said...

It is very likely that i'll never say frii time again, and i wasn't sure if i would do it the first time, but it was pretty exactly what i meant.

The translation will be fixed, babel fish has failed me once again.

I'd never abandon my blog, at least not officially, some day it'll probably die off or something, but it'd be cool if it doesn't. We shall see.

I've written a few papers on Beloved this year, not one of my favorite books, but its alright.

Camilla said...

Yay, Ammon's back! I also can't believe you'll be living in Salt Lake in less than two months, because I think it's not true. August 14th is two months and 18 days from today. So you get to stay at your job longer than you think.

Camilla said...

Hey, you should be happy you didn't get in to MIT- look at
The dean of admissions didn't even have a college degree! So what does she know?

Camilla said...

I had some friends in LEAP- I dunno, they had to take an extra class, and sometimes there would be social activities, and I think they had a special advisor. I didn't do it, but then again it took me a long time to graduate, so maybe I could have benefited from some "adjusting to college" tips. You should write a new entry so I don't have to keep writing comments on this one.