Thursday, January 24, 2008

In that category of things instead of which i should be sleeping:

I'm not quite sure if the grammar works out the way i want it to in the title, but you get the gist.

My roommate is still trudging along through his homework, having slept the majority of the evening. I figured i would take the opportunity to update everyone one the events of my life, because it is oh so fascinating.

I hit a snag a couple days ago in Operation Crowded Bear, formerly called Operation something about my roommate. As it turns out, there isn't a single open room anywhere on campus. I find this somewhat impossible to believe, so i'm hoping the system is just wigging out since they just put it back on, but we'll see. I've taken some flack for trying to get rid of my roommate, and i've put quite a bit of thought into it. I don't want to live alone, and having a roommate i was friends with and could talk to would be awesome, but yeah, i dunno, between the smoking and the language barrier and the impressive propensity for getting very drunk despite not have much tolerance and suffering from impressive hangovers, i'm not sure this roommate is entirely for me. Technically his drinking is legal, but having a roommate sleeping and moaning all day is just awkward, but whatevs, we'll see how it unfolds. I could always look around for some room to switch to, but i like my room, and my suitemates for the most part, and it feels all homely now...maybe Chung will happen to find some friend he wants to move in with. I'm 3/3 so far with that happening.

Other than that life has been fairly regular. James and/or Tim popped my inner tube-sled. It was only a matter of time before that happened, so it's good that they did it, cus now they're responsible for the next sled. Tuesday i went a drew the plan for a house. That was a lot more work than i thought it was. And then my partner bailed on me for our presentation today, so i didn't really have anything, but happily i had taken a picture of it before hand, so i could at least show that i'd done it, and my professor was pretty understanding about the whole thing, at least for me, i don't think it'll go well for my partner but whatever...

I've been making good use of my camera, it's continued to be wicked snowy up here, so the picture taking possibilities have abounded. There've also been some deer that have taken up residence in Chapel Glenn and the surrounding area, and earlier today there were five of them just chilling down there but my camera chose that moment to run out of batteries. I love my camera lots and lots, but it sure could do with a battery meter, that was kinda bad planning there Canon. Due to the lack of deer, i'll provide this picture as the constellation prize. I realize that the word is conciliation, but it's one of those things that has become so deeply ingrained* in my thinking that it's very difficult not to say it or in this case type it. Like Zooology and pronounciation.

I like that picture, it makes me think of Big Fish.

well that's all from here. One of these days something of consequence will happen, but i'll be so wrapped up in my exciting life that i'll put off writing about it for weeks. Until that day comes, expect meaningless updates fairly regularly.

Oh, and mad thanks to caitlin for the wicked awesome presents i got. Now i am well equipped to start or stop small fires. Hoorah.



Natalie Keene said...

so i stumbled across your blog just by clicking 'next blog.' we're totally both at the u as freshmen, sweet. i like that picture, my suitemate and i sit and talk in that pavilion a lot. er, at least we did when it wasn't all snowy and freeeezing! but hey, have a great day!

caitlin said...

I like that picture. It makes that building look like a little rebel house. Later I want to know more about shenanigans involving the air cannon, and if I have shenanigans myself, I'll be sure to tell you.

Boo for pronouciation. And I surprised myself by spelling shenanigans correctly.

Unknown said...

I echo caitlin's boo, and I add one for something being 'engraved' in your thinking. I'm pretty sure the saying is 'ingrained' don't sound like a fool Hot Dog. With that, I'll make like a tree, and get out of here.

Ammon said...

I do generally say pronunciation and zoology, i just have to think to consciously correct myself.

but yeah engraved was a bit foolish

ThePensive said...

And the word I think is consolation, but whatevs.