Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The weather outside is frightful...frightfully awesome!

I have an hour or so between classes and it's snowing too hard to trek back up to the dorms, so i'm holed out at the union waiting until it calms down a bit. I looked out the window after Linear Algebra and it was just completely white outside, and i'm not really dressed for blizzards today, but it seems to be slowing down a bit, so that's good. I really loved walking through heavy snow though, I was listening to Muse, which made the whole experience very intense. I think i'm going to like this semester a lot more than the last. I'm 3 more hours, but my classes are all either easier or a lot more enjoyable (not both though) so it should be a fun year. Also all my classes are together so i just hang out down on campus and then go to the gym and then i'm done, it's much nicer than three classes, each with an hour in between during which i couldn't really do anything.

As it turns out Brian Cory is also in my ward, the coincidences just keep piling up.

I bought all my books yesterday, which set me back 200 dollars. That was sad, but it had to be done, and i think i have some scholarship money that took care of it. Luckily i still have 2 classes that i don't need books for, otherwise it would have probably been 300 at least. I think college textbooks are one of the biggest scams ever, the idea that every year you need a new edition for physics is completely ridiculous, physics just doesn't change that fast. But i'm set because my teacher puts all the questions online and Cami has an older version.

I'm sort of just writing to pass the time, dang it's snowing hard again, or maybe it's just windy. It's really the wind i don't like, i can handle snow and cold, but the wind is just too much. Anyway, i think i'll go eat lunch and maybe swing over to the library to borrow Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, books i've been wanting to read lately for some reason. Oh yeah, also this semester i only have one class that assigns real homework, other than that it's just reading, research, and practice work, so there's significantly more free time, which is sweet.

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