not the greatest day outside, but it was as good a day as any to sit in bed for 24 hours.
I don't remember much of the whole experience. I went in, and they talked to me a bit, i got an IV. They anesthetized it, which seemed pretty unnecessary, especially since it still seemed like it hurt about as much as normal. Then they gave me a shot of something, and about 10 seconds later i was out. It was interesting because usually i don't really remember falling asleep, but this time i actually felt it coming on and losing consciousness. Anyway, sometime later i woke up feeling pretty out of it. I got up and really wanted to walk on my own, but my mom helped me, which was probably good, since about 2 hours later i was still struggling to walk without running into things.
I wish i had asked the doctors to set my camera up on time lapse, because that would have been a sweet video, but alas. Anyway, i took some pictures while i was pretty out of it, i don't really remember taking them, but they're here, so that's cool.
Me being out of it.

Me being more out of it.

I couldn't focus on anything, and somehow i though this would be apparent if i took a picture of my eye.

but it wasn't.
After that my camera's battery died, and i wasn't awake enough to charge it up for a few hours.
At about 7 that night i was awake enough though, and so i took a sweet picture of my eye.

So yeah, i'm feeling a bit better now. The left side of my mouth still hurts a decent bit, but it's getting better, and the whole delirium thing has passed, so that's a plus. My homemade camera case got left in the car i think, it's easy to lose things when you're barely concious, because the whole, "where's the lst place you had it" strategy doesn't work when you can't remember large spans of your day.
I made a pretty awesome video of myself, i'm going to try to post that, and hopefully it'll work. Woo it will, it's going to take a while.
It's sort of hard to tell what i'm saying, but this is the gist:
"well, i just got my wisdom teeth out, and i can't really focus on anything or ???? things. I think i'm biting my lip, but hopefully this will be funny when i'm, you know, cognizant again, so, till then."
So fun times, not being able to spit is a bit of a drag, especially when brushing my teeth, which is also a drag since i can't brush all my teeth. Hopefully i'll be better by new years.
I couldn't sleep at all last night, probably symptomatic of sleeping all day, but it was still a pain. Sometime while i was mostly asleep i had a dream that i made a really good sandwich and then remembered that i couldn't eat it. That was disappointing to the max.
I watched meet the Robinson's the other day, which was a surprisingly good movie. Plus the Danny Elfman and All American Rejects combo is always something worthwhile. That about all for now, i need to finish my made gift.
Where are the videos of you running into things while walking? Those would be way more entertaining. Good luck on the recovery. Mine wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made it seem like it would be. Other than I threw up when the anesthesia wore off, that was pretty awful.
Oh, and get on that made gift. I'm making you a nephew, so you owe me something cool.
After having clicked too many links I have concluded that you and your sister own the blogger world. You use it quite a bit. I will have to find my camera and compete with you crazy cracker jacks.
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