Saturday, December 8, 2007

Let me tell y'all what it's like being male, middle class, and white.

Man, today was entirely too awesome. So lets see...morning was so-so, i had class, but then i got my phone back. Woo! I'd lost it on the shuttle, and someone just found it a couple days ago, and conveniently had the charger necessary for charging it up to call my mom. I'm glad there are people that are that dedicated in making up for my absent mindedness/unsatisfactory pocket quality.

Then i had physics, more mehsh, but it was my last class of this semester, from here on it's 2 papers and 2 exams and i'm out. Lets see, after physics i worked out, and ran into the Honors Floor Gang. Wow, when you write it out it looks wicked official. Anyway, so that was good, then i walked back up with them, and hung around for a bit. I got some food, and on my way out they (the honors gang) were playing pool, so i went and hung out there for a bit and when steven left i took over for him and totally owned in pool until i scratched on the 8-ball. That's kinda how i play pool, i don't think it's the best strategy.

After that i hung out with Tim, watched scrubs, played guitar hero for a while....a long while, and at some point molly james came by and they played, and my roomate played some and his friend played...anyway, we ended up playing for a solid few hours. It started snowing at around 5 and by midnight there was 4-6 inches, so after a bit of convincing i tim and molly james to go. Me and Tim and James had a pretty intense snowball fight while we waited for Molly to finish getting snow stuff, and then we went down to the glenn for a bit, but that got old fast, and so i took us over to the giant hill that runs right into the street, but the snow at the bottem was powdery that we stopped...except for tim.

And that's how tim got his limp for christmas.

not really, but he did hit that road pretty hard, there were no cars around though, so it was relatively safe, relative to doing something completely stupid...say jumping off a bridge.

Anyway, sledding was way fun, i got hot so i took my jacket and underarmor off and when i was so close it was a pretty natural next step to go sledding with no shirt on. That was way too intense, tim tumbled and got very cold, and it didn't help that molly james were throwing snowballs at us while we tried to put our stuff back on.

So after that we started to head back, which took around an hour, there were originally plans to build a giant wall of snow infront of the door, by rolling a ball of snow all the way back, but by about 1/4 the way there it was too heavy for us to roll, so we broke it up and threw boulder sized pieces of snow at molly james.

A side note, in order to clear any confusion, Molly and James are two seperate people, who are also a couple, and are almost never seen apart, thus Molly James.

then a bit of snow football (where the football was made from the remains of the snow boulder) and some more stupid snow fun, and then me and Tim walked back and here i am.

Lets see, the rest of this past week has been pretty ok, nothing too great. I lost my phone the thursday before last, and had pretty much given up on it by monday, i had my last midterm, watched the heroes season finale (lame, darn writers strike), lots of guitar hero (we tallied it up with the Wii and it worked out to around 25 hours over the past week and a bit), aaand that's the gist.

I'm so full of andreneline and awesome that i'm not at all tired, which isn't great, because i have 2 papers to write for next week, one of which is actually pretty significant, and an essay on tuesdasy and thursday, then friday i fly back. wow, 7 days from now i'll be in Biloxi. I really don't know where to call home these days...I think jackson qualifies, i've lived there longer than anywhere else, but now i don't have a house or a family there...

Anyway, i'm going to read some and try to get some sleep, it's supposed to snow most of tomorrow, although i'm not sure where we can go from how awesome tonight was, i'd hate to hit the peak with 2/3's of winter left over.

I need to go snowboarding.

~Linus, not Lucy


Camilla said...

Wow, sounds fun- and I'm very glad you found your phone (again)! That is some pretty fierce dedication and good will on that person's part to charge the phone so he could find out whose it is.

caitlin said...

Yeah, I had pretty much figured out that Molly James was two separate and yet together entities with the constant use of plurals to go with them. Also, you will probably wear short sleeves when you get here. Or at least a very thin overlayer. Apparently the Sal & Mookie's party is carnival themed, and so the costumes are supposed to be too.. so I am sad, but keep that in mind when looking for bearded woman costumes.

Anonymous said...

you have no idea how sad i was when i found out your old house had been sold. every single time i go by there, i'm like "i'm never going to go inside again!!!" anyways, i had dinner at dr. hubele's house a while ago and laughed at the fact that they were your mean neighbors.

come to jackson!!! miss you!