Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Shoes!


Handcrafted on the pacific coast. But yeah, bunches of thanks to Dylan. Compared to all the things i might have expected, shoes are far more impressive, and a lot more comfortable. Just don't step on my brown suede shoes.

Anyway, other than new shoes, today i had my three hour material culture class, which happily only went one hours sine it was the first day. It looks like it's going to be a really interesting class. After that there was a basktetball game which we definitely won. And then i came back and wii boxed with tim and chung.

A pretty good day all in all. I'm going cross country skiing on friday with Brian Cory. I've heard cross country skiing is one of the more boring things possible to do with snow, but i figure it'll be fun.

So calling past missionaries by their first names is really weird.

I signed up for institute today. It meant giving up my semester of having no classes before 10, but i think i can manage. Anwyay, what's about all for now. Tomorrow i only have two real classes, and i'm considering dropping one. I figure i should go to it at least once first.
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1 comment:

Camilla said...

Cool- I feel bad because I think I'm the last person to have not sent their made gifts yet. I'm finishing them up this weekend- I end up being more productive now that I'm back to being semi-busy.