Friday, February 22, 2008

Almost there...

Tomorrow i have my second physics midterm, and i'm a little worried. I know pretty much everything he's taught us, but that's never stopped me from failing a test before. In happier news i got a 92 on my math midterm, one i was pretty worried about. Over the past couple of weeks i've very dramatically discovered a new group of friends, and i have to say, it's pretty rockin. Dollar bowling, mafia, midnight eating, it's good stuff, this is the end of something that's been going on for quite sometime, but i'm surprised how suddenly i found myself in this group, so yeah, fun stuff.

In other news, this week has been rough. It seems like i'm just staying just ahead of this wave of work and tests and stuff, trying to make it to the weekend without crashing. But i'm doing ok for the most part.

In political news, it looks like Obama is pulling ahead of Hillary, which is awesome. I think i might donate some money to the campaign, since his facebook group asked me so nicely. I figure since i'm not voting in the primaries i'll feel like i'm having some influence. It's been a pretty crazy week in the world, Kosovo declaring independence, Castro quitting (i'm still convinced he's been dead for years), Allegations of a McCain affair (which if it pans out, could mean a Huckabee Colbert ticket), this afternoon while walking around campus and looking at some construction i thought about how different everything is going to be in two years when i get back from my mission. madness.

I think that's all that's been going on with me. I can honestly say i'm getting a little antzy for spring, grass and warmth and all that jazz. Just as long as i get to go snowboarding a few times before then i'll be great. Well, i'm off to bed. Until the next time i don't feel like going to sleep, adieu.


Kate said...

I'm curious. How does one dramatically discover a new group of friends?

Ammon said...

well, you slowly drift apart from your old friends and then start to get to know a couple people who live on your floor. Then you get invited to bowling night on wednesday and game night on sunday and meet about 30 more people who are also in your ward that you vaguely knew but only kinda.

And that's how you dramatically discover a new group of friends.

caitlin said...

I just dramatically discovered a friend! of course being only a friend and not a group, it was pretty darn dramatic.