Cami's in from Utah, that's fun, we're kicking butt and playing games, or watching movies and playing games...either or. I'm getting dangerously behind in my movie reviews, i have the illusionist, Men in Tights, Unbreakable, part of Superman, and some others, anyway, i'll take care of those later.
I already said i got a job i think, but i don't remember how much i talked about it. Orientation is on thursday, and a whole mess of people i know are going to be working there. It's awesome. I have to buy some shoes that don't slip on slippery floor. Here's a list of things i need to buy:
Cell Phone - I think this might be the first thing i get. I'll probably just hit up eBay or something
Cell Phone bill/other parental debt - Yeah, i'm in the hole quite a bit. Between phones bills, prom, and other things, it's a problem.
Watch - My watch is pretty busted up.
Wii - Originally i'd said this would be the first thing i was going to buy, but i think i need to do those things first, or at least the cell phone and some of the bills...
Wii games - that'll probably take care of one full paycheck.
Friendly Debt - I don't like being in debt to my friends, i owe josh 10, caitlin and meghan a few, and probably some others i'm not thinking of right now.
Presents - I know what i have in mind, it's just going to take a bit of Capital. I guess i should take care of this before everyone head stheir seperate sad.
That's about it. I'll think of more things while i have money, and i'm sure clothes and food will work their way in there. Oh, and part of my wages will be in daily cash tips from a tip pool. I like that.
That's about all i guess.
These are some pretty remarkable eggs! I am most impressed with the spider one. And there are many other very cool ones too. Did you guys use some sort of tape to block of portions?
Don't worry about not being king egg. Ethan slaughtered both Dylan and I. His egg was still completely intact after we were broken to pieces, and then he rolled it down the hill a couple of times after that with no harm coming to it. Too bad he can't talk clearly enough yet to give us his secrets....
yeah, i used tape. the red was super strong, so it stayed when i dyed it blue. originally i wanted a white on black spider egg, but i couldn't make it black, so changed it.
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