Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If you've a date in Constantinople they'll be waiting in Istanbul

So. As might have been perceived by my relative lack on internet presence over the last few days, i have yet to get my computers internet to work. For some reason my computer and my roommate's router don't get along very well. Hopefully that'll get taken care of eventually. Luckily though, there's a computer lab a minute or so from my room, so it really just makes me spend less time in my dorm room.

Last night i had the second weirdest family night ever (the weirdest of course being the thumb tack maze object lesson) where i met some people, got to know some people a bit better, learned to swing dance very poorly, line danced a bit, climbed a rock wall, did an obstacle course, and got free pizza. I was a bit late, due to a miscommunication between me and the Trax intercom, which didn't tell me which stop we were at until after we were pulling away, so i had to walk a bit farther than i wanted to, but i survived. I now have a relatively good sense for this whole college thing. I know how to get food, mail, shuttle rides, and i know where all but one of my classes are (i'm going to find that class in a couple minutes).

Physics class looks like it'll be a bit dull, but calculus looks to be really quite hard (i also need to refresh my memory of L'Hopital's rule, which i never thoroughly learned in high school, so that's good. I have homework already, which i'm sure will be a bit difficult, and i'm considering capitalizing on that whole tutoring thing, or asking Cami, either way. Otherwise, life moves on pretty well. I've realized i can beat the Chartwells system by throwing a bit off non-messy food in my backpack for a small lunch (fruit works really well) and eventually i'm going to figure outt how my flex dollars work, and if there's any way to use them for ramen, oatmeal, or pb&j. So for the most part life out here is going well. Hopefully i'll find something exciting to do this weekend, but we'll see. It feels refreshingly like Cambridge, certainly not as urban, but almost. That'll do for now. Once i get my computer all working i'll be able to update more.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh the thumb tack maze. One of the memories you have that really was just as crazy as you remember it. Not like that time you claim Daddy drove across train tracks narrowly missing the speeding train...

I'm glad you finally figured out how to eat. I was worried they might take away your scholarship for that one.