Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm no Superman

hm, i was thinking about making a post about the glories of the interweb, but it just wasn't working right. Instead i'll just talk about what's been going on.

Not much. I'm getting into a bit of a routine with this whole college thing. I bought some oatmeal and water and cheeze-its which do a good job of keeping me going in between dreams. My meal plan is all worked out, so now i'm less hungry all the time, which is good. I know where all my classes are (although i forgot where physics was yesterday for a little while). I finally (for the first time in something like 6 months) have a working cell phone, courtesy of Katie and Logan enterprsies, and the glories of the internet, which gave me the code for unlocking it for freezies.

Otherwise, i've been watching a lot of scrubs. I finished off the 5th season, so now i'm ready to watch new ones (unless there's a sixth season, and then i'll have to quickly rent and watch it along with the office) So that's my life in brief. I'll update some more when more is happening. I'm hungry and my hands are cold, so i'm going to go back to my dorm and find something to do until 2, when i have my last class of my first week of classes.


caitlin said...

Holmes doesn't even have class on Fridays. It actually makes last week seem very long ago. We'll see how it goes in the slightly longer run.

Anonymous said...


miss you!